Email Marketing Secrets SpeedClean

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There are levels to email marketing for small businesses: some of us are successful email marketing champions that are ringing in new leads every day, some think they know what they are doing, yet continue to receive mediocre results, and others are fed up and growing tired of their email efforts falling completely flat. Keep reading, because we’re revealing some of many successful email marketing secrets that can help expand your business and your customer base.

Grow Email Lists

Growing your email lists is one of the most beneficial ways to expand your business and there are plenty of simple ways to do so. Here are few proven methods from Constant Contact that others have experienced success with:

blue check mark SpeedCleanAsking face-to-face at trade shows

blue check mark SpeedCleanCollecting email addresses during registrations

blue check mark SpeedCleanAdding a sign-up form on website

blue check mark SpeedCleanUsing sign up sheets at events

blue check mark SpeedCleanPositioning sign ups as a call-to-action on blogs

blue check mark SpeedCleanSpreading the word on social media

As these are all excellent practices to grow your lists, please make sure you have permission to email everyone who has provided their email, beforehand. For more information on how you can foster better relationships with your contacts, click here to see Email Marketing for HVAC Customer Loyalty

The Right Template

Are your email templates easy on the eyes and easy to receive? HubSpot says 80.8% of users have reported to reading emails on mobile devices. That alone should be an inspiration to make sure your emails are mobile compatible, if you haven’t already. Responsive emails – those are emails that automatically re-size with the device you are reading the email on – are also rising in popularity as more people prefer to read them over emails with no responsive design.

Have At It With Headlines

According to a study by Nielson Norman Group, the average online audience reads in an “F” pattern, first scrolling horizontally across the upper content area. This puts subject lines, headlines and calls to action at the forefront of your audience. For better results, use A/B testing to compare different versions of subject lines in your emails to see what sticks with customers.

Metric Magic

When it comes to successful email marketing, numbers are your good friend. Measuring your analytics properly makes it easier to know who is reading your emails and what they are engaging with. Here are some of the most important metrics to monitor in order to build successful email marketing campaigns.

blue check mark SpeedCleanOpen rates

blue check mark SpeedCleanClick-through rates

blue check mark SpeedCleanBounce rates

blue check mark SpeedCleanDelivery rate

Monitor these metrics over time to see which areas are thriving and which could use more work. For example, low open rates can be a symptom of lackluster subject lines. While high open rates and low click through rates can mean your call-to-action isn’t exciting enough.

Create Constant Contact

In this case, we aren’t referring to the email marketing software, but the budding relationship between your small business and your audience. Don’t let your emails be another forgotten, unread message lingering in the mailbox. Reach out to your audience frequently and communicate with them about specials, services, reviews, innovation, new products, etc.

Learn to create emails that are less likely to be ignored or blocked and click here to read “Keep HVAC Emails out of the Spam Folder”.

Seeing results, yet? We’re telling it all, so stay tuned for Part 2 of Successful Email Marketing Secrets!