The Professional HVAC Contractor’s Guide To Mini-Split Maintenance

There are some sure things in our business. First, the mini-split market for AC and heat pumps is on fire and shows no signs of slowing down. Not only are installs fueling great business opportunities, but the ongoing maintenance these systems need can provide even more lucrative revenue opportunities.
The second truth in our business is that if you ask ten HVAC contractors on how to maintain a mini-split system, you might get ten different answers. To help contractors identify faster, easier, and more profitable methods for maintaining mini-splits, SpeedClean partnered with HVACR School, a leading professional education site for HVACR contractors to create a guide. The complimentary guide is packed with information like:
- Importance of Maintenance
- Step by Step Maintenance
- Do’s and Don’ts of Mini-Split Maintenance
- Cleaning Tools and Material
- …and more