It’s the time of year in many parts of the U.S. and Canada when the leaves are falling and snow is just around the corner (if it’s not already on the ground). We have compiled a few quick HVAC cleaning and equipment storage to do’s to help keep your HVAC system (and your customers’ systems) and HVAC maintenance equipment in tip-top shape, before you go into hibernation for the winter.
HVAC System Cleaning
- Outdoor heat pumps need a good fall cleaning. Leaves, dirt and debris can clog up the unit, leading to inefficiency and even equipment failure.
- Clean ductless mini-splits. As you know, some ductless mini-splits can be used for pumping heat too, not just air conditioning. As such, if you are using yours when the colder weather sets in, you will want to clean the coils and blower wheels. Otherwise, dirt, dust and even mold spores can be blown out in the air you are breathing which can have some serious effects on IAQ. SpeedClean’s portable CoilJet® CJ-125 coil cleaner system and patented Mini-Split Bib® Kit make quick, tidy work of ductless cleaning.
- Replace dirty air filters. Similar to the ductless mini-splits, the filters in forced air system get clogged with allergens, dust and dirt. Changing the filter can help preserve IAQ and system efficiency.

HVAC Equipment Storage

- Perform proper shutdown maintenance on equipment. Check the product manual for storage and shutdown recommendations. For example, SpeedClean’s CoilJet® CJ-200 E calls for the water and chemical tanks to be drained and flushed with clean water. In addition to that step, the CJ-125 model of the CoilJet® calls for the battery to be plugged into the battery charger at least once a month.
- Find a safe place to store your equipment. Once you have shutdown your equipment for long term storage it is time to think about where your equipment will be stored for the months you are not using it. Properly storing your HVAC maintenance equipment for the winter is crucial to preserving the lifespan of the product. Temperature changes can damage the equipment, so storing in an unheated location may lead to a large expenditure replacing the equipment.
Taking the time to properly shutdown your HVAC equipment and maintain your HVAC systems can make a big difference. Preparing for the season can mean better IAQ, longer equipment and HVAC system lifespan and more efficient system performance. This translates in to fewer headaches and less money coming out of your pocket in the long run.
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